I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support during the year or so I have been at this. It has been a blast and most of all, I have met some of the bestest people I could ever hope to meet! I am not going away, nor is my little bloggie. We will still be here with freebies and fun! I love designing and am not giving that part up totally, just the selling part.
Sooooo... this means that you can grab my kits before they go bye bye for good! All at 60% Off at all of my stores! *discount taken at checkout*
I have a freebie alpha coming up so check back in a day or 2 and please know that each of your comments is very much appreciated from the bottom of my heart.
Much Love and Happiness to you all!
Sure going to miss you Amy but I completely understand why you are taking a break! Family comes first!
Oh, I'm sad to see you go. But I'm glad I got to work with you before you stopped designing!
You have been an awesome designer to work with. You are such a fun and sweet person. Take care of those sweet kids and keep us informed of what's up- I'd love to hear about it. See you on the boards.
Love Ya
Family First Always! That has been and always will be my motto. Glad I got the chance to play with you! I truly have enjoyed the ride! THANK YOU! I will still be here and you know I will see you on the forums! You can't get rid of me that easily! XOXO
Wishing you the best of everything :)
i am happy for you that you will be able to spend more time w/ your family. Your work is amazing, and so is your spirit! I wish you all the best! I feel like we have a little connection, since we have both lost our fathers. When you picked me as the winner, of your wildest dreams contest, it was one of my proudest moments (for many reasons)!hugs -lori
I have been out of the loop for a while and just saw this. I am so sad! I understand your need to spend time with your family though. I will keep an eye on the blog for news. :) Best of luck and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
=) I am going to miss your designs. Keep in touch. All the best to you!
You these things, I have read twice, for me, this is a relatively rare phenomenon!
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