Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another Quick Doodle Freebie

This is a PNG, so just right click on the image and save it on your computer! I will be back in a few days, I have some exciting news for you!


Lori Decoite said...

very cute! Thanks Amy : )

Jan said...

Amy, this is way to cute! It reminded me of the time I took my 2 year old to the circus(she is 30 now)
and she was more interested in the
clown following the elephant hinny's(to catch, guess what)
than the other great fun going on.
:) Gotta scrap that memory with this.
No pictures, but the memory is priceless. Thank you for the smile today

Michele said...

I LOVE IT!!!! I actually ended up using it right away to make the back cover of a brag book for my aunt for Mother's Day. The brag book is for our trip to the Ringling Museum, so it all goes together and worked PERFECTLY!!!! Thank you so much!!!